© BMW Singapore 2025
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I qualify for free shipping?
A: Free shipping can be enjoyed on all orders over $100.
Q: What is the minimum amount for each order?
A: There is no minimum amount needed for each order.
Q: How will I know if my order has been received?
A: When you have successfully completed your order, an order confirmation will be sent to your email address registered with us.
Q: How do I find out the status of my order?
A: Please send your enquiries through the contact form and our Customer Service Representative will contact you shortly.
Q: Can I return the item?
A: Please send your enquiries through the contact form and our Customer Service Representative will contact you shortly.
Q: Which browser is best to view the online shop?
A: For the optimal shopping experience, we recommend using Firefox 13+, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 10+, and the current and previous versions of Safari (Mac OS).
Q: How should I pay for my orders?
A: You can check out and make payments securely through Paypal.
Q: Is it possible to send a product as a gift?
A: Yes, you can select the shipping address you want the product to be delivered to.
Q: Do you ship overseas?
A: No, we don't